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Tofu and Orzo Caesar Salad

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Tofu and Orzo Caesar Salad

with romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, parmesan and lemon

Informations supplémentaires
30 min. | 555 kcal | easy | Vegetarian, Express | Printable version
1. Setup Cut the tofu into triangles. Zest the lemon. Chop the garlic, the onion and the parsley. Thinly slice the cucumber and the lettuce. Cut the tomato into cubes or quarters.
2. Marinate the tofu Bring a pot of water to a boil. In a bowl, mix a generous drizzle of oil with the lemon zest, a little lemon juice, some salt and some pepper. Add the tofu and let it marinate.
3. Cook the orzo Cook the orzo in the pot of water for 5-7 minutes or until tender. Drain and rinse with cold water to cool it down.
4. Make the sauce In a bowl mix the sour cream with the garlic, a little lemon juice, half of the parmesan, 2-3 tbsp. of water, some salt and some pepper. Let your children develop their cooking skills by inviting them to mix all the ingredients together.
5. Cook the tofu Warm up a pan over medium-high heat. Cook the tofu pieces for about 2 minutes on each side or until browned.
6. Plate your dish Mix the orzo with the romaine, the vegetables, the tofu and the sauce. Add salt and pepper, to taste. Add the rest of the parmesan, the parsley and the lemon juice, to taste. Bon appétit!
0.5unitRomaine Lettuce Heart(s)
30gGrana Padano Cheese
0.5unitRed Onion(s)
2unitLebanese Cucumber(s)
86mlSour Cream
1unitGarlic Clove(s)
1unitFresh Italian Parsley
What you need Pan, Bowls, Tongs, Pot, Strainer.
555 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 79g
fat 14g
cholesterol 18mg
fiber 6g
protein 31g
saturated 5g
sodium 310mg
sugar 7g
trans 0g
vitaminA 0mg
vitaminC 0mg
iron 0mg
calcium 0mg
potassium 0mg