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Mini Beef Meatloaf Sheet Pan

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Mini Beef Meatloaf Sheet Pan

with broccoli, carrots and potatoes

Informations supplémentaires
35 min. | 559 kcal | easy | One pot, Family | Printable version
1. Setup Preheat the oven to 375°F. Cut the broccoli into medium-sized pieces. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Cut the carrots in 4 horizontally. Chop the shallot.
2. Prepare the meatloaves Mix the potatoes, broccoli and carrots with half of the spices, a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper. Spread on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven for 6-8 minutes.
3. Bake in the oven In a bowl, mix the ground meat with the shallot to taste, the rest of the spices, salt and pepper. Make 2 small meatloaves per person. Add the brown sugar to the sauce mixture. Divide the sauce in 2. Brush the meatloaves with half of the sauce. Keep the other half to brush the meatloaves once out of the oven. When step 2 is complete, add the meatloaves to the baking sheet. Bake everything in the oven for 25 minutes.
4. Setup Meanwhile, chop the parsley.
5. Plate your dish Brush the meatloaves with the remaining sauce. Serve and garnish with some parsley. Bon appétit!
280gGround Beef
500gYellow Potato(es)
12gSpice Mix (Onion Powder,Spice Mix Roasted Garlic and Peppers,Lemon Pepper,)
15gBrown Sugar
80mlSauce Mix (Ketchup,Worcestershire Sauce,Mustard,)
1unitFresh Italian Parsley
4unitRainbow Carrots
What you need sheet pan, bowls
559 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 62g
fat 20g
cholesterol 84mg
fiber 10g
protein 34g
saturated 8g
sodium 604mg
sugar 15g
trans 1g
vitaminA 0mg
vitaminC 0mg
iron 0mg
calcium 0mg
potassium 0mg