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Indonesian Gado Gado Tempeh Salad

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Indonesian Gado Gado Tempeh Salad

with hard boiled eggs, spinach, cucumbers and peanut sauce

Informations supplémentaires
30 min. | 905 kcal | easy | Vegetarian, Spicy | Printable version
1. Setup Caution hot pepper! In case of sensitive skin, use gloves to handle the ingredient. Remove the seeds for a milder taste. Chop the garlic, the chili pepper and the peanuts. Cut the potatoes, the eggs and the lime in half. Slice the cucumbers.
2. Cook the potatoes Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add the potatoes and cook for 10-12 minutes or until tender. Drain and set aside.
3. Cook the tempeh In a pan over medium-high heat, add a drizzle of olive oil. Add the tempeh cubes and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side. Remove and set aside.
4. Cook the spinach In the same pan, add the spinach. Cook for 2-3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper
5. Make the sauce In a small pot, add the peanut butter, the garlic, the curry paste, to taste (caution! spicy), the coconut milk, 1 tbsp. of sugar and 1 tbsp. of water. Bring to a boil then lower the heat and cook until you obtain a smooth sauce, around 1-2 minutes. Season with salt and add the lime juice, to taste.
6. Plate your dish Serve the tempeh with the potatoes, the spinach, the cucumbers and the eggs. Garnish with the sauce, the peanuts and the chili peppers. Bon apppétit!
300gCubed Tempeh
200gFingerling Potatoes
15mlRed Curry Paste
1unitGarlic Clove(s)
80gBaby Spinach
60mlPeanut Butter
200mlCoconut Milk
2unitLebanese Cucumber(s)
1unitFresh Chili Pepper
What you need Pans, Bowl.
905 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 55g
fat 60g
cholesterol 183mg
fiber 7g
protein 50g
saturated 29g
sodium 341mg
sugar 9g
trans 0g