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Garlic Bread Grilled Cheese with Mozzarella

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Garlic Bread Grilled Cheese with Mozzarella

with tomato and salad with cucumber, bell pepper and shallot

Informations supplémentaires
30 min. | 610 kcal | easy | Vegetarian, Family | Printable version
1. Setup Thinly slice the tomato, shallot and cucumber. Slice the peppers into thin strips. Chop the garlic and the parsley.
2. Make the salad Tear the lettuce with your hands and put it in a bowl. Add the cucumber, pepper, shallot to taste, salt and pepper. Add a drizzle of oil and some balsamic vinegar to taste when serving.
3. Make the garlic preparation In a bowl, put the garlic, parsley and enough oil to brush 4 2P | 6 3P slices of bread. Add salt.
4. Garnish the bread Butter the inside of the bread slices if desired. Add the cheese, tomato slices, basil, salt and pepper. Close the sandwich. Brush the bread with the garlic and parsley oil.
5. Cook the sandwich Heat a skillet over medium heat. Gently add the sandwich to the pan. Cook 3-4 minutes on each side until browned and the cheese is melted.
6. Plate your dish Serve the grilled cheese with the salad. Bon appétit!
4unitMultigrain Bread
2unitGarlic Clove(s)
1unitFresh Parsley and Basil
1unitBoston Lettuce
1unitLebanese Cucumber(s)
What you need bowl, pan, spatula
610 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 49g
fat 35g
cholesterol 67mg
fiber 8g
protein 27g
saturated 14g
sodium 971mg
sugar 7g
trans 0g