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French Toast with Blueberry and Lemon Zest Compote

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French Toast with Blueberry and Lemon Zest Compote

with vanilla whipped cream, toasted almonds and maple syrup

Informations supplémentaires
25 min. | 833 kcal | easy | Vegetarian, Brunch, Family | Printable version
1. Roast the nuts Heat a skillet over medium high heat. Roast the almonds 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the pan.
2. Setup Zest the lemon. Set aside 1 tbsp of sugar for step 4.
3. Make the blueberry compote Put the blueberries, white sugar and 1/2 2P | 3/4 3P cup of water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook 6-10 minutes until everything becomes a slightly liquid compote. Remove from the heat and add the lemon zest.
4. Make the whipped cream Put the cream in a bowl with the vanilla and the sugar set aside in step 2. Whisk until you obtain a whipped cream.
5. Cook the French toast Place the milk, eggs, cinnamon and a pinch of salt in a large bowl and mix. Heat a drizzle of oil in a pan over medium high heat. Dip the bread in the milk mixture and cook in the pan 2-3 minutes per side until browned.
6. Plate your dish Serve the French toast with the blueberry compote, vanilla whipped cream and almonds. Garnish with maple syrup. Bon appétit!
What you need pan, pot, bowls, whisk
833 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 112g
fat 36g
cholesterol 182mg
fiber 8g
protein 19g
saturated 16g
sodium 559mg
sugar 74g
trans 0g