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Cajun Spiced Halloumi Burger

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Cajun Spiced Halloumi Burger

with chimichurri mayo, tomato and fries

Informations supplémentaires
35 min. | 951 kcal | easy | Needs a blender, Vegetarian | Printable version
1. Cook the potatoes Preheat the oven to 425°F. Cut the potatoes into wedges. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Add a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 28-32 minutes until colored.
2. Setup Slice the tomato and halloumi to desired thickness.
3. Make the chimichurri Add the parsley, oregano spice mix, mayonnaise, a drizzle of oil and 1-2 tbsp. of red wine vinegar in a food processor. Pulse until a homogeneous sauce is obtained. Adjust seasoning to taste. Add 1 tbsp. of water if needed.
4. Cook the halloumi Cover the halloumi slices with the Cajun spices to taste. Heat a drizzle of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the halloumi slices 2-3 minutes on each side until browned.
5. Plate your dish Heat the buns in the oven for 1-2 minutes if desired. Garnish the buns with the chimichurri mayonnaise, halloumi slices, tomato and spinach. Serve with the potatoes. Bon appétit!
200gHalloumi Cheese
130gBrioche Burger Buns
6gCajun Spice Mix
500gYellow Potato(es)
20gBaby Spinach
2unitFresh Italian Parsley
4.5gSpice Mix (Dried Oregano,Chili Flakes,Garlic Powder,)
What you need sheet pan, food processor, pan, tongs
951 kcal
% daily value
% daily value
carbohydrate 67g
fat 63g
cholesterol 119mg
fiber 8g
protein 30g
saturated 23g
sodium 1753mg
sugar 7g
trans 0g
vitaminA 0mg
vitaminC 0mg
iron 0mg
calcium 0mg
potassium 0mg