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The chef’s favourite with Constance: week of December 31


The chef’s favourite with Constance: week of December 31


3 min

As the final countdown to the end of the year begins, the excitement of the festivities surrounds us with its magic. At Cook it, we’ve delved deep into the festive spirit to craft an exquisite array of recipes, designed to beautify your end-of-year celebrations. Whether you’re seeking a warm appetizer to bring your loved ones together, a classic brunch to relish lazy mornings, or a light dinner to balance the excesses of the preceding days, our menu for the week promises to delight your taste buds and add a touch of refinement to your meals.

Choosing among so many delights can sometimes be challenging in this culinary whirlwind. That’s why, as usual, I’ve handpicked three recipes that I believe stand out in particular. Each captures the essence of the season, offering a perfect blend of tradition and innovation, simplicity and sophistication. Allow me to guide you through these gourmet choices, which I hope will bring a special touch to your end-of-year celebrations.

Duck Confit Quesadillas with apple, aged cheddar cheese, maple syrup onion confit and squash soup

For New Year’s Day, I love bringing together those who seek warm company to celebrate. This year, I suggest a recipe for duck confit quesadillas, enhanced by the sweetness of apples and the character of Île-aux-Grues cheddar cheese. Complemented with a maple syrup onion confit, this original and flavorful dish is ideal for sharing a convivial moment. With Cook it, hosting becomes a breeze, and you can even order up to 12 portions to delight all your guests!

Smoked Salmon Bagel with cream cheese, capers, dill and arugula salad

My favourite brunch remains the classic smoked salmon bagel. Combining the creaminess of cream cheese and the smoky flavour of salmon, this simple yet delicious recipe is a must-have. Pair it with a rocket salad, and why not add a Mimosa to bring a festive touch to your morning.

Lemon and Feta Chicken Sheet Pan with potatoes and green beans

After the hearty holiday meals, this lemon and feta chicken recipe is a breath of fresh air. Accompanied by melt-in-your-mouth potatoes and green beans, it is not only easy to prepare but also delicious. The feta adds a creamy and salty touch, while the lemon provides a tangy note. Perfect for a dinner with family or friends, this dish is a great way to rebalance your diet after the indulgences of the previous days.

As we close out this year and welcome a new one, these recipes represent more than just food: they symbolize sharing, joy, and culinary innovation. Each dish is an invitation to celebrate precious moments with those we love, creating new memories around exceptional flavors. At Cook it, our mission is to make these moments even more special with dishes that combine conviviality and refinement. We hope these recipes will inspire you and bring an extra sparkle to your end-of-year festivities. So, warm your hearts and delight your taste buds with these culinary delights, and let the magic of Cook it illuminate your table. Happy end of the year and delicious celebrations to all!

Constance Tassé-Gagnon

Directrice adjointe Produits et Partenariats

Constance, une véritable globe-trotteuse culinaire, à l’affût des dernières tendances gastronomiques. Avec 15 années d’expérience en tant que cuisinière et pâtissière dans les restaurants gastronomiques de Montréal, elle excelle dans l’art de la table et est toujours prête à organiser une réception mémorable. Son cœur appartient à la cuisine traditionnelle québécoise, mais son âme explore sans relâche les saveurs du monde entier. Suivez-la pour des conseils culinaires inestimables et des découvertes gustatives extraordinaires qui feront de votre prochaine réception un succès absolu!