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The Chef’s Favourite with Constance: Week of December 3


The Chef’s Favourite with Constance: Week of December 3


3 min

Every week, I joyfully explore the menu at Cook it to find my three favourite recipes for you. Let me guide you through the offered selections and help you discover my personal favourites. Are you ready for a culinary journey that promises authentic flavours and irresistible textures? Let’s embark on a gourmet tour that, I hope, will captivate you as much as it does me! This week, we’re kicking off the holiday season marathon with the start of our festive recipe offerings.

Festive Ground Chicken and Provolone Burger with Dijon and cranberry jam mayonnaise, spinach and sweet potato fries

Okay, I have to admit it, I love burgers all year round. I find that as a weekly recipe, they are simple, effective, and delicious, and if you add a festive touch, I’m more than on board. The secret of this recipe lies in the Dijon mustard mayonnaise with cranberry jam; the tartness and sweetness of the cranberries make this sauce truly delicious. This recipe is sure to be a hit with the whole family.

Burger Festival au poulet haché

Holiday Stuffed Buns with broccoli, carrot and cranberry salad

I am completely charmed by this classic holiday recipe, which brings back the culinary traditions of my family. The famous stuffed buns, though popular at Christmas, are so delicious I could eat them any time of the year. Their flavours remind me of my childhood and especially of my grandmother who used to cook them for me. The accompanying broccoli salad is just delightful, a combination of broccoli, carrot, and cranberries. I treasure this recipe and am likely to make it again for a potluck evening during the holiday season.

Petits pains fourés du Temps des Fêtes

Surf & Turf with beef flank steak, wild Argentine shrimp, baked potato, and arugula salad

Imagine a perfectly grilled, juicy, and flavorful beef flank steak, accompanied by large wild Argentine shrimp, sautéed in a mixture of butter, garlic, and parsley. It is all served with the classic baked potatoes, which, I must admit, are one of my favourite sides when eating meat. The meal is finished off with a touch of freshness from the arugula and tomato salad. I think this recipe will be perfect for a Saturday night and will be the highlight of my weekend.

Surf & Turf

You cannot complete your weekly recipe selection without taking a stroll through our Pantry. The Holiday Season category is now available, featuring a complete Gift Guide divided into three sections: 

  • Gifts under $10
  • Gifts between $10 and $30
  • Gifts over $30

Here, you’ll find perfect presents for Christmas stockings, for educators, host gifts, and more. This year, Cook it is simplifying your holiday shopping by offering a selection of entirely local gifts and delivering all your gifts free of charge at the same time as your weekly order. 

This week, I fell for the Milk Chocolate and Pecan Christmas Tree from Ernestine, one of my favorite chocolatiers in Montreal. Everything they create is so delightful, and their packaging is truly original.

Sapin chocolat au lait et pacanes

I also added to my basket the Hot Chocolate Bombs from Poseidn in teddy bear shapes. Drop this adorable bear into a cup of hot milk to turn it into a steaming cup of delicious hot chocolate.

Bombes de chocolat chaud

Finally, I decided to treat myself a little with the Berry Lip Balm from Bkind. This lip balm helps repair damaged lips, prevents chapping, and provides long-term lip hydration. I invite you to explore our Pantry section to find plenty of wonders.

Baume à lèvre aux petits fruits

Constance Tassé-Gagnon

Deputy Director of Product and Partnerships

Constance, a true culinary globetrotter, always on the lookout for the latest gastronomic trends. With 15 years of experience as a cook and pastry chef in Montreal’s gourmet restaurants, she excels in the art of dining and is always ready to host a memorable gathering. Her heart belongs to traditional Quebec cuisine, but her soul tirelessly explores flavors from around the world. Follow her for invaluable culinary tips and extraordinary taste discoveries that will make your next event an absolute success!